
Norwich Rising outside the Forum by Shelly Telly

We want Norwich Rising to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. The Forum is wheelchair accessible. You can find out more about access at the Forum here: 

This video is a ‘how to’ video for those whose mobility is compromised. The first half of the video is ‘how to’ and the second half of the video is the full dance to the OBR anthem “Break the Chain”

The best way to help make Norwich Rising as accessible as possible is to get involved and share your experiences. Please use this page to share your ideas, questions and top tips about access. You can write your comments below or email

Here are some of the questions and suggestions we have had so far:

  • Lucy says we must remember the drummer so there’s a visual cue to help keep us using hands, sticks and chairs in time…
  • Becky asked if there would be seats for people with limited mobility to sit down. You can sit in the outside area of Cafe Bar Marzanos and watch all the action.
  • Claire said she is going to bring a folding chair so she can sit down when she is tired.
  • Maria thought it was important to let people know about Norwich Shopmobility, a scheme which offers the loan of scooters, electric and manual wheelchairs to people who have mobility difficulties in order to make the City Centre more accessible. More information here:

3 thoughts on “Access

  1. Even if some of us aren’t well enough to join in the full dance, we’ll do our best to join in. This could be one of those moments in world history where millions of men and women join together in solidarity to create a safer world for everyone!

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